“As long as the President continues to hammer home that Mitt Romney's policies have been a complete failure, this election is in the bag” said Jen Panski, an Obama campaign spokeswoman “His plan seems to be nothing more than bailouts to corporations, tax cuts for the rich and more big spending. At least that is what the media keeps saying”
Former Gore advisor Ron Klain says you can lose a debate any time but you can only really win it in the first half hour. “The first thing Barack Obama should do is highlight his support from foreign leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, this will emphasize his foreign policy achievements”
Al Hunt, in a letter to the New York Times said as long as President Obama can hide his scorn for Mitt Romney and those so far beneath his exalted self, he should have a good chance of not losing the enormous advantage he has with independents or dampen his enthusiasm dominance. “Mitt Romney doesn't have a chance if the President doesn't seem exasperated by having to lower himself to our level”
Jim Lehrer, a veteran journalist of the PBS “NewsHour”, will be serving as moderator and says that he will not allow Mitt Romney to hijack the debate. “Mitt Romney will obviously try to make this election a referendum on the President, it is something he has to do. I won't allow him to keep steering this debate towards some kind of perceived failure of the President. This election is all about how this pretentious phony rich-man's puppet can have the gall to actually run against President Obama. It is my duty as a journalist to see that Romney answers for this blasphemy”
Some outlier polls suggest a large advantage for Romney among independents and a large enthusiasm gap FOR Romney. Obama spokeswoman Jen Panski dismissed these out of hand “All of the other polls say different, very different. There is no chance that Romney wins independents by 10+% or that he has a 16% enthusiasm advantage, it's ludicrous notion”.
Ron Klain added “Mitt Romney needs to enjoy his night in the spotlight, it will be downhill from there. He's not ready for prime time and he is definitely not able to win this election.”
The general consensus among the press is very clear. Romney has no chance to defeat them in this election, according to their polls and should not be allowed to steer the debate to what he thinks are President Obama's weaknesses. Indeed the media thinks President Obama has no weaknesses for him to exploit.
In a related note, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan says that one debate won't decide this election.