Saturday, March 2, 2013

Girl suspended after refusing to shower with boys

(Associated Posers) - Bellam, Massachusetts – When the new law on transgendered rights in schools was passed, 14-year old Hannah Johnson didn't think it would affect her too much. Just let people do what they want, isn't that what it was about?

That changed after PE class when she was getting ready to get into the showers and spotted a boy undressed in the locker room with her. “I was a bit shocked” she admitted “Since there was just one period to go, I decided to skip the shower. I am not going to shower with boys at school”

It was when Hannah complained to Principal Haram Reese Nelson, that things took a turn she had not expected. She explained that regular boys were pretending to be trannies to get into the girl facilities, because saying so was all they had to do. “They know their parents won't be told, they know they don't have to wear a dress or anything”.

“I was told that I had no choice” Hannah said “I was speechless”

The Superintendent of the Bellam School District said the new law was very clear in the matter “All student must affirm the transgendered. This student did not just fail to address the student as a girl, the chosen gender, but refused to use the facilities with the student in question. We had little choice but to suspend the student for 3 days and request a psychological evaluation.”

Hannah's mother Jessica Johnson was surprised by the suspension and outraged by the psychological evaluation. “My daughter is more sane than they are, they are the ones who are mentally ill”. She tried to get her daughter excused from sharing bathroom, lockers and showers with male students who deemed themselves transgendered but was shot down.

After that meeting with the principal the police showed up and escorted Jessica Johnson and her husband Hank away. “I wasn't even told where they were taken” Hannah said “but I was told that Child Protective Services are investigating whether my parents are unfit.”

Hannah convinced an uncle to file a complaint with the local court, but to no avail.

After the suspension was lifted, Hannah went back to school but waited outside in the hall until a transgender student had finished before she entered. This was seen by a teacher and the next thing Hannah knew she was being escorted out of the school in handcuffs. She was soon charged with a “hate crime” violation for failing to affirm the status of the transgender students.

“They are faking it” A tearful Hannah said “Half the boys in school were planning to declare themselves trannies because they wanted to shower with the girls, it's a huge ridiculous joke. You have boy parts you use the boy facilities that were made for it, it's not hard to understand”

Meanwhile her parents Jessica and Hank Johnson have appeared before the school board offering a written apology for their and their daughters behavior.

“We just want to put this whole thing behind us” Hank said “Including this whole state”

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  1. Nice perspective. Maybe we could follow each other on Bloglovin and/or GFC?

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